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Nightsky | Gedicht Eigenwerk
von elvali aus der Kategorie Gedicht - Leben, Erfahrungen

Primärverzeichnis von elvali
Erstellt:    30.09.2007 02:00 1297 Lesungen, 0.9KB


Standing alone in a deep dark night
no ones calling - the whole world is quiet
just the rain runs down my face
thousand soothing touches - dancing with grace
the fog clouds the pain
a soft mist- hides my life in vain

while i am standing
thoughts run through my mind
idea after idea - for changeing my life
for making it bright
it just cant be allrigt

the rain washes away the ideas and the thoughts
the fog hides the chances - they're all out of reach
i am just waiting in the cold night
when you're hoping
your life doesnt need to be bright

i am one of millions
like the stars in the sky
guess there are hundreds
in a situation like i
when they can handle their problems
i can do as well
no reason for whining - no reason to blame
the nightsky shows - we are all the same
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